Saturday, May 6, 2017

Recollections of San Pedro Volcanos and pumice

Tony and I meet Feliciano. A charming sculptor/evangelist in a highland town of Guatemala. The extended family cluster about to see the tourists, a happy little mentally disabled child pushes through. And then his workshop with 100's of carved pumice sculptures which he'll sell you for a song.

Feliciano - ¡canta -video file!    

...Es maria la blanca paloma,
que ha venida a américa,
traer la paz de dios.

...It is Maria the white dove,
who comes to America,
to bring the peace of God

Sunday 13th San Pedro:

Losing track of date and time. And my sinuses are still screwy... no surprise there, but its a bit cooler and clearer because it's a Sunday morning and the smoke from cooking and clearing scrabble grass haven't really got going yet - but I'll need Sudafed ASAP. We walked around the area looking for Tony's notorious breakfast spot... only to discover that it changed ownership from the Canadian originals to a Mexican. The food was good, the coffee (can you believe?) sub-standard. We called Axuan on Debbie's cell to coordinate plans, then we'll go for the kayaks we negotiated yesterday.

God bless you, 
we don't get many comments on Feliciano's lyrics, but thanks for the effort:

Friday, April 28, 2017

A visit to the avocado tree

Reds and greens, lots of sensual shapes.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Yucca no more

Every time I went outside I had that uncomfortable feeling things were getting out of whack - skywards mostly. Then branches began falling off and intense cracking without visible signs of from where...
...visions of myself pinned under a ton of Central American Yucca and not happy.
This plant was originally a potted version on the 7th floor of my Embarcadero office. It grew up in the last 30 years and now its day has come. ¡Adios yucca querido viejo!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Louis Glanzman - fascination with the Maya

Remembering these impressive murals that used to be a backdrop to our taco lunch when my son and stepson were young and we all chowed down at our local Mexican restaurant once a week in the Mission. finally after 20 years i stumble on the painter Louis Glanzman who has an incredible portfolio of work on his site and unfortunately died recently, 2013.
I doubt the murals were originals because I've seen framed prints of ball players.
So if that's true who did the excellent murals in Maya on16th which were probably ruinously eradicated over 20 years ago when the place changed hands?
I'd eat my burro to know!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

December - Ginko Gold reins down in front of the house again.

Woke up to this view from my window.after last night's long-awaited rain storm. Soon there'll be a steady stream of leaf admirers from toddlers and moms to mission tourists taking selfies.